Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cowboy Style

Welcome back to anther issue of articles by the SugaDaddy at sugadate

Ok boys, I hope you have read the last article on “Wingmen” and left behind any thick follies you might have had on finding one there. This being said, its time to seriously talk about the real deal: “Cowboy” tactics.

The term “Cowboy” style means having the resources and abilities (i.e. the cahoonas) to get the job done unaided. Period. This is a very simple concept, but for some or other reason s you twits just do not seem to get it. I have to constantly shake my head in dismay at what I find out there and at sugadate .

Let me give you a simplified illustration of what is going out there. And yes, it amuses me to no end each and every time I am out there observing you bananas: You walk into a place, head down, shoulders hunched forward and you make a hasty bee-line towards the safety of the bar. You then proceed to nervously find yourself a perch in the most dingy corner of the bar and order yourself a disenchanting drink. Within a heartbeat of sitting your useless behind down on your already pitiful excuse of a perch you start playing with your mobile as if there was something novel and new about it that just appeared out of thin air. This mobile charade of yours then goes on for another painful hour or two while you hope to any and all deity (s) out there that that dazzling girl you have always been dreaming of will straddle right up to you, order both of you a tequila and ask you for your number.

Yes. Very pathetic, but I hope you get the picture here.

First of, let us start with the basic rule of engagement: You have decided to go out Han Solo style for a reason. That reason is to find yourself your slice of the pie. You need to be fully honest and completely aware of your desire here. This is crucial. You need to have an unwavering purpose in your endeavor. This means you better pull yourself together and start focusing a little. You are a cowboy. A cowboy takes no half measures and no prisoners. A cowboy walks with confidence, a defined and observable purpose. Nothing gets in his way. This being said, it does not mean that you have to make an ape out of yourself by ambling along as if you have a carrot stuck in your poop-shoot while you try to walk right through that mountain of a body-builder, cousin of the Yeti , because he seems to be in your path of self destruction. Do that and you will very soon learn a very valuable lesson in humility and pain.

Secondly, at this early stage of your endeavor the bar vicinity should be of no concern to you. None you hear me. For now your purpose is to take inventory. Where are the closest exits? Trust me, this may come in handy. Where are the facilities? Identify your competition. Locate the 10 hottest and 10 worst girls around. What are they drinking? Who are they with? Are they having a good time? Is their radar on? What are they wearing? Etc… As you make your round, you need to mentally register everything. You need to know as much as you can about your prey before you start the hunt. Ideally during this round you have established eye contact, caught some snippets of conversation, (which can be like gold nuggets to your undertaking later) and build a powerful repertoire.

Now that the groundwork has been established you make yourself to the bar. As you approach the bar you need to choose your kingly throne where you truly belong, a strategic place where you can see and be seen. Now, take a load of and carefully consider your poison. While doing that you need to strike up a conversation with the bar-tender. This is vital; the bar-tender is the focal point of the establishment. Everyone knows the bar-tender and the bar-tender knows everyone. Your intermediate goal is to corrupt his/her poor soul to your dark purpose. By any means necessary. Yes that’s right, any means within legal limits.

At this stage you know who is who in the zoo. You have made a powerful ally, placed yourself strategically into the main traffic route and are confidently chilling with a drink in your grubby paw.

This next part is hugely important. Unless you truly just received a text message (sms) from one or more of the recent Pirelli calendar girls exclaiming her undying love for you, this is really, really , really not an opportune time to undo all your earlier good work by twiddling aimlessly with your cell phone. No, this is the time to let your explicit marketing message to sink in out there while you strategy your next move. Just remember, you are a cowboy. This is your playground and everyone has come out to play with you. Not the other way around. That’s right its all about the 3 “A”s: Attitude, Attitude and more Attitude. But remember to play nice, you never know whether you will be treading on your future wives brother or other on the toes.

To bring the concept to online dating at sugadate, here are some key ingredients to online dating success:

· Put your darn profile picture up. I don’t know how often I have to repeat myself. You must have the confidence to show all sides of you. This shows that you know who and what you are and that you are perfectly comfortable with allowing the universe out there to appreciate you.

· Fill in your profile details with painstaking accuracy, finesse and flair. And for heavens sake, use a bloody spell checker. Remember, your profile is your online dating business card. It needs to look good. It is what can make or break you out there. It is your opportunity to outshine your competition.

· Be an active member of the online dating community. Join the forums, participate in live chats, rate other members profiles. At all times, remember the golden rule: ‘You get what you give’

Keep in mind, a cowboy is confident and single-mindedly pursues his purpose. He utilizes the tools he has available to him to full effect. So when you are on sugadate you need to use your tools like a master craftsman. I will go so far as to publically offer this challenge to anyone out there: Join sugadate for free within the next 30 days. Fill in your new or existing profile with a cruel and unwavering purpose. Then mail me at sugaadmin@sugadate.co.za to review your profile and I will personally see to it that you receive a 100% free, 1months advanced membership absolutely gratis.

Let’s see if you noodles out there can thoroughly impress me with your profiles over the next 30 days. Stay tuned for the next installment where I will be spilling the beans of the results of this challenge. Coupled, of course, with all the greatest do`s and don’ts on dating as well as online dating. Until then, GOOD HUNTING


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